Mar 8, 2013

Road to 100 full pushups

People always asked how I first got to do 100 non-stop pushups and I have to give credit to my Karate instructor who gave me a simple program.  The difficulty wasn’t the pushups but rather the discipline required to achieve that goal.  He said to start on day 1 with one pushup.  Day 2 to do 1 pushup again.  Day three you add one to make the total of 2.  Day 4 you once again do 2 full pushups.  Every other day you add one full pushup.  It seemed simple enough, especially at the beginning.  The trick was to stick with it and allowing yourself to get that day of rest by sticking with the same number two days in a row.  Before I knew it I was well over 50 and on my way to 100.  Now go hit the floor and start pushing your way to 100+ pushups and stick to it!